Association Partners

Building Relationships and Providing Invaluable Services for Associations and Their Members.

At Smashel we understand the challenges trade associations face in today’s market. It’s important to bring in enough funds to keep the organization effective; but, you also need to offer benefits that make membership worthwhile. Offer too much for free and you won’t be able to manage overhead; charge too much for too little, and you will have trouble keeping members. We have developed ways to allow you to increase your organization’s non-dues revenue while offering valuable services that can help every one of your members do better in their businesses.

When you partner with Smashel, you get access to unique Internet marketing packages that can be added as a benefit for members of your organization. Service packages can be customized for every niche and include offerings like web design, social media, marketing content, web analytics, videos and other Smashel services. These services are highly sought and make membership in your trade group more attractive to professionals in your niche. They allow every member of your group to excel in the digital realm and share in one another’s success.

These packages can be offered through your organization with a revenue-sharing agreement. This way, you earn every time you refer a member to get the services they need to compete in the digital realm. Your members gain traction online, making them happier and more successful. And, you get the funds you need to keep your organization solvent and thriving and able to continue to offer the sort of support that is so valuable in business.

Your trade organization is a place where individuals in the same industry can learn from one another, strengthen their skills and gain value from networking. Smashel’s web design and internet marketing experts have years of experience and passion for our industry. By sharing our skills with your members, you can give them the tools they need to find success in the ever-changing digital marketplace and to continue to grow, thrive and act as valuable members of your industry.